Nothing Like A Fresh Mango

It’s mango season here in Pakistan and there is nothing like a fresh mango. And nothing like a fresh mango lassi.

Fruit seller cart

Lassis are made with fresh yogurt, milk and mango. Sweet from the fruit and full of probiotics from the yogurt, a mango lassi is the go-to drink to cool off in Pakistan’s hot summers. As the world’s fourth largest producer of mangos, Pakistan has no shortage of mangos when they are in season.

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The Dougs Say Goodbye and Farewell Pakistan

Doug and master designerWe enjoyed a great time in Pakistan. Everywhere we went we met friendly, helpful and incredibly hospitable people. It seemed like everyone wanted to shake our hands and give us a hug. On Sunday afternoon, while touring the old Lahore Fort, a number of people wanted their pictures taken with us. Contrary to what we hear and read in the media about Pakistan, it’s a great place to travel – safe, friendly, hospitable and very scenic.